The school and the Home School Association plan fundraisers. We strongly urge each family to participate in these fundraisers. Parents who commit to the Catholic Academy of Niagara Falls fundraisers are expected to complete their obligations and meet fundraiser deadlines.
The following is a list of several fundraising we have done:
Gertrude Hawk Chocolate Candy Bar Sale (September)
Elite Entertainment Books (September to January, cost $20.00)
"Football Frenzy" Tickets (October)
Mr. Earl Magazine Sale (October)
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates for Christmas (November/December)
Lottery Calendar (December/January, cost is $20.00, uses NYS daily lottery number)
Gertrude Hawk Easter Candy (January)
Our Annual Basket Auction (March, hundreds of baskets ranging from $25.00 and up, 50/50 Split, misc. drawings)
Cash & Cards Raffle (May)
Soda Pop Aluminum Tab Collection for Childrens Hospital
Box Tops for Education
Throughout the year and in the past, our students are encouraged and contribute to many outside causes also:
Classroom Bake sales where proceeds were donated to Autism, Diabetes, Epilepsy Awareness, and Cancer research.
Re-stocking of local food pantries during Thanksgiving.
Penny "Wars" for Catholic Charities during Catholic Schools Week.
Pet items collected for our local SPCA.